- Sabel
- Sagenhaft
- Sakura
- Samaniego
- Sames,William
- Samick
- Sandbergen
- Sängler & Sohne
- Sassmann
- Saturn
- Sauter
- Schaaf & Co.
- Schaaf, Hermann
- Schadhauser, Johann
- Schafer & Sons
- Scharf & Hauk
- Scheel, Carl
- Schellenkens, G.
- Schell, Lothar
- Schemelli & Co.
- Schiedmayer, J.& P.
- Schiedmayer & Soehne
- Schiller
- Schilling, Fr.
- Schimmel
- Schindhelm
- Schindler
- Schirmer & Son
- Schlögl
- Schmidt
- Schmidt-Flohr
- Schmidt Pianos
- Schmitz
- Schnell, R.A.
- Scholze
- Schröder, C.M.
- Schroeder
- Schröther
- Schubert
- Schuerman
- Schultz & Sons
- Schulze & Sohn
- Schulze & Pollmann
- Schumann
- Schuppe & Neumann
- Schütz & Co.
- Schütze
- Schuetze & Ludolff
- Schwechten, G.
- Schweighofer
- Schwester
- Seeger
- Seidel, Rob.
- Seidl & Sohn
- Seiler, Ed.
- Seiler, Max
- Sejung Piano Co.
- Settergren
- Settergren Piano Co.
- Sherlock - Manning
- Sherman, Clay
- Shima-Jehle
- Shimler
- Shigeru
- Shigeru Kawai
- Shorewood
- Siegel, Rudolf[1]
- Siewert
- Silbermann
- Singer
- Skop
- Smart, Charles
- Snel
- Sohmer & Co.
- Sojin
- Solton
- Sonor
- Sonore
- Soph, Joseph
- Sopnnagel
- Soward
- Spaethe Wilh.
- Spencer
- Spencer & Murdoch
- Squire
- Squire and Longson
- Standaart
- Stapel
- Starck
- Starckette & Kenmore
- Starr Piano Co.
- Staub & Co.
- Staub, J.
- Steck
- Steck, George
- Steger & Sons
- Steigerman
- Stein
- Steinbach
- Steinbach, Alex
- Steinberg
- Steinberg, Gerh.
- Steinberg, Wilh
- Steiner, B.
- Steiner, Bernhard
- Steingraeber & Söhne
- Steinhoven
- Steinmann, Wilh.
- Steinmayer
- Steinthal, L.
- Steinway & Sons
- Steinway Haus
- Stelzhammer
- Stenger
- Sterling
- Stichel, F.
- Stingl, Gebr.
- Stingl, Ignaz
- Stöcker, Theodor
- Stockholm
- Stoddart
- Story & Clark
- Straub
- Strauss
- Streicher
- Strindberg
- Strohmenger & Sons
- Strothier
- Stroud
- Stuart and Sons
- Stultz
- Sturn
- Suzuki
- Svahnquist
- Svenska